✅ Prism is the only true 3D body reconstruction via smartphone solution in the market that provides accurate body metrics. Other solutions rely on statistical body models via 2-photo methods, not a true body scan.
✅ Users get realistic 3D body avatars that look like them. See examples here.
✅ Body metrics include body composition, circumferences and advanced capabilities like body shape predictions Check out our metrics.
✅ Accuracy and precision that have been clinically validated. See the validation data.
✅ Comes with an iOS and Android SDKs that makes integration easy, and you can typically prototype your first build in under 2 weeks with one mobile developer. Check out the SDKs here.
🚀 Start experiencing today our body scanning solution via our Reference iPhone TestFlight App. Email [email protected] to get an invite.
Accuracy & Reliability of Prism
List of Scientific Publications
Recommendations for Bodymaps & Metrics integration
User journeys and high-fidelity mocks
Full list of available Body Insights
Product integration architecture
Selecting the optimal body composition method
TestFlight Pilot: Guidelines & Checklist
iOS SDK: Prism Bodymapping Bundle
Apple Health Integration Guidelines
Apple App Store Review Guidelines
Android SDK: Prism Bodymapping Bundle