Example of a health report built as a web view straight from within a native iOS app.

Example of a health report built as a web view straight from within a native iOS app.

Example of a health report in PDF that can be delivered to members via email flow (double click to enlarge)

Example of a health report in PDF that can be delivered to members via email flow (double click to enlarge)

<aside> ℹ️ The health report covers body metrics from five categories. To build reports beyond these categories, combine this data with additional body metrics available through calls to the existing Hosted Cloud API endpoints.

For the list of the Health Report data sources, please contact your Prism representative.


The Health Report API output a single json file that contains five categories of body metrics:

  1. Body fat percentage report
  2. Lean mass report
  3. Fat mass report
  4. Waist circumference report
  5. Metabolism report

Using the payload provided within each of these categories, comprehensive health reports (via app screens, pdfs, web views, etc) for any given body scan can be built. See sample report above.

This API contains one endpoint that once hit, it outputs a health report json file that contains the relevant payload for each of the above insight categories.

Endpoint: GET /scans/[scan id]/health-report. Only scan id is needed when calling this endpoint.

Payload sample


<aside> ⚠️ Please note that the Health Report endpoint only outputs all its data when either Male or Female Sex is chosen by a user. When a user sets Sex to Neutral, the endpoint still returns a response with the same overall structure, but without the following sub-sections healthLabel, percentile and ageRange for each of the main sections listed below: bodyFatPercentageReport, leanMassReport, fatMassReport, waistCircumferenceReport.

The metabolic rate part of the report is not dependent on Sex so the endpoint can still be leveraged to obtain this insight.


Body Fat Percentage Report

Objects Contents Notes
bodyFatPercentage (%) Contains the body fat percentage value for the user. Description: “The percentage of your body that is fat. One of the top predictors of long-term health, lifespan, metabolism and athletic performance. Improve your body fat percentage by losing fat, building muscle or both.”
healthLabel Contains two objects:
  1. healthLabelGroups: lists the health standards for body composition plus its ranges (always five labels and same order). Gender-specific payload.

  2. userHealthLabel: contains the health standard label that the user’s body fat percentage belongs to (e.g. “Unhealthy”) plus the corresponding ranges (low & high) for that category. | See body fat percentage health standards in the table below (includes recommended colormap for health standards) | | percentile | Contains three objects:

  3. percentileGroups: lists the population percentiles for the user’s gender and age range. Contains 9 percentile groups (5th, 10th, 15th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 80th, 90th, 95th) and corresponding body fat percentage ranges (low & high).

  4. userPercentile: contains the percentile the user belongs to as well as the percentile boundaries (low & high).

  5. userAgeRange: contains the age range in years used to select the correct percentile group. Low & high values represent the lower and upper ages for the age range, respectively. | |