<aside> 🛠 Prism highly recommends that you develop your integration using the new next-gen bodymaps as they are a prerequisite for advance features, such as Future Me (body shape predictions at target body fat % or weight).


More realism

The latest version of Prism’s 3D body reconstruction significantly improves the realism of the scans, including better face details and higher resolution overall as seen below.





How to enable next-gen 3D bodymaps

Whether you are using Prism’s SDK and/or communicating directly with the API, to enable the latest generation of bodymaps you need to set the new optional configuration parameter assetConfigId to c979ab6b-e46b-4c1c-89e1-bb02435b5cbfduring the scan record creation stage. This configuration will trigger Prism’s pipeline to produce the latest generation 3D assets that then can be loaded in the same viewer as the legacy .ply files. All the remaining methods to check status and retrieve scan data remains the same.

To ensure backwards compatibility, if no assetConfigId is declared the default configuration will be legacy, so it’s recommended that you always declare the next-gen configuration to get the more realistic bodymaps.

Bodymap configuration assetConfigId Type of coloring 3D assets produced Recommendation
Next-gen c979ab6b-e46b-4c1c-89e1-bb02435b5cbf Texture-based coloring of the 3D mesh Three files:

Additional considerations

What happens to scans that were done with the legacy configuration?

Those scans will remain available and able to be displayed to the users. Typically, the same 3D rendering used on the app will be able to load the more compatible OBJ file and its dependency.

Why does the latest generation of the pipeline use OBJ files?

OBJ files are not only a more widely compatible mesh format, but also allow for texture-based skinning of the bodymaps thus higher realism.